31 Mar 2020
How are you finding learning from home? We would love to hear from you.
We have set up a Google Form for the school community to submit photos of how they are learning from home. This is not a feedback form for essential information.
Follow the link at the bottom of the article to share your experience and we will post it on our media.
Some examples you might like to share:
- Home classroom setup
- Students hard at work
- Parents getting involved in learning
- Use of digital technnology
- Teachers doing a great job
- Your unique way of learning
- What you're up to during break times
- How you're staying active
Please submit high quality images of people - we want to see how our students are learning from home.
Photos need to be appropriate to be shared on school media. Students do not need to be in uniform but school dress codes apply to anyone in photos.
A good example is the image at the top of the article - your comment could be something like "Sarah is enjoying working from home. She starts the day by writing up a timetable and checking her emails at 9am to stay in a school routine. She is about to start a conference with her English class - thanks Mr Smith!"