Camden Haven High School remains open for all students who are unable to learn from home.
Health advice is for students to stay at home if possible. Parents are responsible for continuing their learning and we will provide for every Camden Haven High School Student.
Please note that many students are having difficulty with video conferencing. This is because they are blocked on their accounts due to child protection laws. We are looking into student permissions, however at this time it is best for students to remain off video conferencing. Teachers are permitted to be on video.
Use this timetable to schedule your learning from home. It is based off school bell times.
We have two help pages that may be useful for you:
Learning from Home Platforms explains online learning delivery systems
Home Classroom gives advice on how to best learn from home.
The Department has a wealth of information for parents/carers and students on their website.
To keep up to date with our updates on school operation, please see our COVID-19 Advice page.
Learning at Home without Technology
We understand some students do not have access to a device or internet for online learning. These students will be provided with paper copies picked up from the school. Work can be posted out, however please keep in mind delivery times.
If you would like to request paper copies of your learning materials please contact the front office on 6556 8100 and we can accomodate.
Learning Resources
The below information will be updated as it becomes available.
Each year is listed below with an open link to a OneDrive folder with a list of subjects. Students and supervisors can use this document to access resources for each subject. These documents will continue to be updated regularly.
Students in classes as well as students working from home will use these links to access their learning to ensure continuity.
They are dynamic documents and information is being updated constantly at this point. Accessing these pages should always be via the links below to ensure you get the most up to date version. Feel free to bookmark these links in your browser.
Distance Education Students
Our students who were enrolled in Distance Education will continue their study as normal. Some teachers are working from home and will have a different contact number. Contact your teachers via email. Teachers may ask students to scan and email work rather than using post.