Camden Haven High School

Aim for the Highest

Student health and safety

Student health

Supporting student health care and reducing health risks are important to everyone at our school. We have dedicated First Aid Officers that have up-to-date and thorough training.

Prescribed medication

If your child takes prescribed medication during the day, please inform us so arrangements can be made for the medication to be administered. Please read the Department guide.


If you child has been diagnosed with an allergy or allergies, it is important that you tell the principal as soon as you are aware, or if your child's allergy changes. If your child is diagnosed at risk of an anaphylactic reaction, an individual health care plan is developed that includes strategies to minimise the risk of a severe reaction.

Managing complex health needs

An individual health care plan is developed for each students with complex health needs. The plan supports students with severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis and those at risk of an emergency or requiring the administration of specific health care procedures.

Infectious disease

There are many infectious diseases that affect young people and can be spread quickly in the school environment. Parents are asked to keep their children at home when they are infected with disease in order to reduce the spread. This is especially important for serious illnesses such as Whooping Cough or Chickenpox.


Our school immunisation program works in cooperation with the local health network. It is school policy that students without vaccinations are not to attend school during an outbreak of serious vaccine-preventable illness such as Whooping Cough or Chickenpox.

Head lice

Head lice outbreaks sometimes occur at school and can spread rapidly. If your child has head lice please treat it as soon as possible and take measures to prevent outbreak.

Healthy eating at school

Healthy food keep children alert and focused and gives them the nutrition they need each day. Our school canteen provides a health, nutritious canteen menu in line with the Fresh Tastes NSW Strategy. Here are some healthy and interesting lunch box ideas.

We support your child's health and safety through our Healthy Canteen Strategy.

Sun safety

Our school is committed to sun safety. Children learn about how to protect themselves from the sun's damaging UV rays, and our school implements a range of sun protection strategies.

We are committed to ensuring a safe and happy environment for your child.

We support your child’s health and safety through a range of strategies including:

For more information, visit the student wellbeing section of the department’s website.

Information is provided here in the most recently updated version for the behaviour code for students.

Like all NSW public schools, we promote the healthy development of students through:

  • school programs and practices that protect and promote health and safety
  • supporting individual students who need help with health issues
  • providing first aid and temporary care of students who become unwell or who have an accident at school.

Student wellbeing

Like all NSW public schools, we provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students.

The department is committed to creating quality learning opportunities for children and young people. These opportunities support wellbeing through positive and respectful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging to the school and community.

The Wellbeing Framework for Schools helps schools support the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of students and allows them to connect, succeed and thrive throughout their education.

See Supporting our students and OASIS for more information about student welfare at our school.

Student Behaviour Support

At Camden Haven High School we have a high expectation of student’s behaviour. Student behaviour and behaviour support is managed through our Student Behaviour Support and Management Plan (SBSMP).

Members of the school community are encouraged to be familiar with the plan and provide feedback to the school through the annual review process. This can be done through the Parent and Community Committee or via direct contact with the school.

Our SBSMP focuses on positive approaches to managing behaviour across the care continuum and contains critical information such as the School Community Charter and the Departments Behaviour Code for Students that guide our work at Camden Haven High School and support our excellent delivery of curriculum and learning experiences to our students.

Positive Behaviour for Learning

At our school, we use Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) – a whole-school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate where students can learn and develop. Our whole school community works together to establish expected behaviours and teach them to all students.

Our PBL focus is defined as:

  • Respect: Listen and control what I say and do
  • Responsibility: Be on time and prepared, and ask for help
  • Do your Best: Follow instructions, work and let others work

Student leadership

Student leadership helps young people find their voices, participate in decision-making, and understand their rights and responsibilities as active citizens. It helps students have a real impact on their learning and school environment and prepares them to participate meaningfully in their community.

Students can be leaders in the classroom, through their actions in the playground, through their support for others, or their involvement in academic, sporting, cultural or local community events or projects.

For more information about opportunities in NSW public schools, visit Student voice and leadership.

Internet safety

Web filtering technology prevents students from accessing inappropriate material on the internet and email system.

Click here to find more information about cyber-safety.


We work hard to prevent bullying in our school and we recognise that the best outcomes are achieved by school communities, parents, students and teachers, working together to help prevent and respond to bullying.

Our Anti-Bullying Plan includes protection, prevention, early intervention, and response strategies for student bullying. Any student who experiences bullying and any person who witnesses bullying should report it to a teacher.

Some helpful anti-bullying Tips for Students and Parents have been provided for your information.

Drug Education

In year 8 students study the choices they have when it comes to drugs. In year 9 the students focus on alcohol and in year 10 they concentrate on makng posiive decisions..