For enrolment forms for full-time students, please ring the Distance Education Centre office on 6556 8200 between 9:00am and 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.
The following categories are for full-time distance education students:
2.2 Geographic isolation - (Statutory declaration required)
2.3 Students travelling within Australia - (Traveller's itinerary and statutory declaration required)
2.4 Students temporary resident or travelling overseas - (Traveller's itinerary and Statutory declaration required)
2.5 Students with a medical condition (Specialist medical certificate to accompany application)
2.6 Pregnant students/Young Parents - (Copy of birth Certificate or confirmation letter of pregnancy from general practitioner required)
2.7 Vocationally talented students - (Dancers' enquiries need to be redirected to Sydney Distance Education Centre. Phone: 02 92076300)
Supervisors play a vital role in supporting students in their learning. Please download the following handbook as a guide to Supervisors and their students.
Senior Subject Selection
Students can access the 2021 Assessment Information on the DEMS / Millennium portals.
Please use the information provided to aid your selection of courses for senior school. We always welcome phone calls to discuss your options or organise a session with the careers advisor.
Distance Education Learning Hubs
Learning hubs are safe learning spaces, staffed by Camden Haven High School teachers, targeted towards supporting the learning of full time distance education students.
Each learning hub typically opens once per week in a public location, such as a library or TAFE.
The purpose of a learning hub is to provide full time distance education students with access to qualified teachers, as well as resources such as time, space and technology. Teachers attending at the Learning Hub will also be able to mediate contact with a student’s subject teachers to clarify course requirements and support positive relationships between staff and students.
Our learning hubs are intended to cater for a diverse range of student needs and are all staffed by qualified teachers with extensive experience in special education. However the hubs are not suitable for every student. Suitable students will be offered a placement at a Learning Hub close to their geographical location.
Due to the fluctuating numbers of students in each area, the staffing and locations of Learning Hubs are subject to change. For up-to-date information, please contact Camden Haven High School on: (02) 6556 8201. Remember you can also contact your DE Coordinator who can give you information about the nearest support centre to you.
Please Note: While we make every effort to provide quality face-to-face contact with all distance education students, the Learning Hub environment is not suitable for all students. Where our Learning Hubs are not a suitable option, students and supervisors will be advised of one or more alternative supports as available in their area.
DE Coordinators
Stage 4/5 East Coast
Mrs Leighanna Miles
Phone: 6556 8555
Stage 4/5 North Coast Tablelands
Mr Matthew Fitz
Phone: 6556 8587
Stage 4/5 West
Mr Dean Longstaff
Phone: 6556 8627
Stage 4/5 Lower Hunter
Ms Lisa Sayers
Phone: 6556 8556
Year 11
Mr James Rourke
Phone: 6556 8562
Year 12 +
Year 11 & 12 Pathways
Mr David Gray
Phone: 6556 8715
Single Course
Ms Erika Turner
Phone: 6556 8561
Single Course - Languages
Ms Michelle Berryman
Phone: 6556 8662