Year 10 is an important year of schooling. Students make exciting educational and life choices for the years ahead.
Our staff members are available if students find Year 10 to be a challenging time. Students can talk to the year adviser, school counsellor or other staff if they feel stressed or need help.
Getting involved
There are great opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular events. This includes competitions, exhibitions, sport, performances and special events. Student leadership programs also provide many activities that broaden your child's experience at school.
Careers advice
Our school careers adviser can help students to make educational choices, define a career direction and to select and prepare for future study and training.
The careers advisory services website also offers help in clarifying course choices, employment opportunities, career pathways or training options. See career development for students (also in community languages)
Choosing subjects
Towards the end of Year 10, students continuing to the HSC must decide which subjects to study. See the NESA website for detailed advice. When making their decisions, students should consider their abilities, interests and their future career plans and options.
Students can also consider vocational education and training in schools, a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship, or programs offered by trade schools and trade training centres.
Talk with your child about their options and encourage them to see the careers adviser before making a decision.
We hold an information session each year for parents and students moving into senior school.
School leaving age
Students are required to complete Year 10, and then to continue in either education or training, full-time paid employment, or a combination of education/training and employment until at least age 17.
Find out more at school leaving age or contact our principal, year adviser or careers adviser. See school leaving age: also in community languages.
Youth Central has a comprehensive guide that school-leavers will need to consider.
Job searching
These websites list job vacancies and apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities:
Careers advisors can provide assistance to students with matters of their school subject selections, career planning, tertiary preparatiopn and applications for employment. Students are able to see the careers advisors during recess and lunch, at minischools and during lesson times with an appointment. Parents and carers can also make appointments to meet on behalf of their child. The Workplace Learning Policy means work experience, special work placement, transition work placement and tax file numbers are orginised by the careers advisor.
Year 10 Adviser 2025
Danny Schouten
Phone: 6556 8100