Camden Haven High School

Aim for the Highest

Congratulations 2023 CHHS House Captains

Congratulations 2023 CHHS House Captains

On Tuesday 18th October the 2023 House Captains and Vice-Captains were announced at the school assembly and presented with their badges. Congratulations to our new captains. We know that you will strive to do your best and make us proud.
Photo -
Back Row - left to right: Amanda (Camden Vice-Captain), Maddison (Watson Captain), Sam (Watson Vice-Captain), Deklan (Taylor Captain), Corey (Watson Captain), Caylem (Camden Captain).
Front Row - left to right: Amina (Haven Captain), Brianna (Taylor Captain), Georgia (Haven Captain), Kira (Taylor Vice-Captain), Kedsara (Watson Vice-Captain).
Absent - Keira (Camden Captain).