Camden Haven High School

Aim for the Highest

Home Economics

Follow this link to join the live Zoom Q&A session with the Home Science Faculty on Wednesday 28th July, 1.30pm - 3.30pm.

Key Learning Area: Technology and Applied Studies [TAS]
Stage 6 – Years 11 and 12
Category A
– all category A subjects count towards an ATAR
Food Technology
Textiles and Design
Category B – one category B subject can count towards an ATAR

Stage 5 – Years 9 and 10
200-hour courses – these subjects are taught over two years
Food Technology
Textiles and Design
100-hour courses – these subjects are taught over one year
Beauty Essentials
Creative Textiles
Eating and Travelling Around the World – taught in collaboration with Languages faculty

Stage 4 – Years 7 and 8
Technology Mandatory