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Camden Haven High School

Camden Haven High School

Aim for the Highest

2022 Accelerated Academic Program

2022 Accelerated Academic Program - Vivid Sydney light festival

This year at Camden Haven High School, an Accelerated Academic Program was implemented for 15 high achieving students in Year 10. It has been a busy year developing the program with the aim for the students to gain valuable insight into the standards, expectations and work ethic required to achieve success in HSC. The weekly lessons provided students with knowledge and skills for an effective transition to senior schooling, with some fun along the way.
To excite the students for life after school, Ms Willliams and Ms Storok travelled to Sydney with ten students from the Accelerated Academic Program to attend the HSC and Careers Expo 2022. This was a large expo with lots of universities, the Defence Force, NSW Police, private colleges, and creative media colleges, all with lots of freebies and course information. We all had a massive day at the HSC and Careers Expo. We left the Moore Park venue with bags of brochures and dreams starting to form! A bonus with this excursion was that it coincided with Vivid Sydney light festival. It was a chilly night but an excellent experience for us all.

In week one of Term 3, we had a Charles Sturt University representative Matthew from the Port Macquarie campus, attend a lesson with the AAP students. It was a timely visit this term. Year 10 students have subject selection for Year 11. Matthew shared with the students the importance of choosing subjects they enjoyed and encouraged them to start thinking about life after school. 

The AAP class were invited to accompany the Year 12 CHHS students and Mrs Neville to visit the University of Newcastle in late July. This was a great experience as students attended three UON campuses and tasted uni life! The UON ambassadors gave a fantastic tour of each campus; the students even had a lesson with a Marketing lecturer.