Camden Haven High School

Aim for the Highest

Year 12 COVID-19 Updates

Minimum Standards

Yr 12 students in 2020 now have 6 attempts at reaching the standard, with a 14 day interlude between each test attempt. Find out more here (PDF).


All Year 12 students are expected at regular on-site classes during Phase 1 of the Managed Return to School.

Exam Timetable

Key dates and deadlines listed are subject to change due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We will continue updating you with exceptions and changes to relevant deadlines.

See what exam equipment you can and can't take into the exam room, including approved calculators, and other exam advice and resources.

Students can also view their personalised timetables via Students Online and schools will have access to their cohort timetables via Schools Online.

Download a PDF version of the timetable